Labels: Better, stronger, faster

Posted by Mihai Parparita, Software Engineer

Between the label selector and ability to share, labels are getting more and more useful in Reader. Today we're happy to release additional enhancements that make labels even more useful:

  • Deletion: You can now delete labels you don't need or use anymore.
  • Auto-completion: So that you don't have to remember if it's "friends" or "myfriends", we now provide an auto-complete drop down menu that shows you labels that match what you've typed in so far. You can use the arrows and enter key to pick from the choices.
  • Easier application: To begin labeling an individual item, just hit the L key on your keyboard.

We've also made it easier to unsubscribe from feeds (each one has an "unsubscribe" link next to it in the list). Finally, we've fixed a few bugs, especially with the sharing section and clips.